
“An inspirational journey developed for self-discovery, growth, connection, and realizing your dreams in 2024"

A feminine coaching journey that will bring you:

Self-discovery, holistic hormone healing, personal growth, building meaningful connections with like-minded women, and realizing your dreams in 2024

This unique Coaching Program is designed to make 2024, your year.
It doesn’t matter when you start, but what does matter is that you start.

In 4 months you are ready to live your dream life.


Having a close relationship with your body, and knowing how to nurture your hormones

Embodying your feminine energy, enjoying your days with much more confidence and self-compassion

Getting clarity & a clear plan to pursue your dream job instead of “surviving” or just earning money

Together with a group of like-minded women, share experiences, get inspired, and learn from each other

Is this your current situation?

You’re feeling overwhelmed by endless to-do lists and constant distractions and struggle to prioritize your time and well-being in a balanced, effective way.

Hormonal symptoms have left you unsure about what foods and lifestyle habits are best, and how to live in sync with your body's menstrual cycle.

You're caught up in worrying and overthinking, hindered by perfectionism, which makes it hard to start or stick to new things.

Then you’re a match for MY2024!

You want more details?

We’re bringing the ownership back in your life.

If it comes to your life, there’s no better time than today!!
I see this with my clients all the time. Pushing desires and needs forward, because it’s not the 1st of January anymore, or other things and external reasons may have come up. Trust me when I say, if not now, then when?

I've designed this program for ambitious women who are eager to take control of their lives, alongside like-minded wonen who share the same aspirations. Over four months, you'll gain clarity, experience holistic healing across emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual dimensions, learn the art of manifestation (yes, it's about embracing your worth and potential!), and then turn those dreams into tangible realities.

You want to be in control.

Every year, you enthusiastically declare: "This year is going to be the one for me!"
You imagine better health, balanced hormones, a job that brings joy, and fulfilling relationships – everything you need for a fulfilled life. You make plans, create vision boards, and feel excited for a fresh start.

As the new year kicks off and time flies by, you realize you're more like a passenger in your own life, rather than the one driving the wheel. You lost control and don’t know how to change it. "Maybe next year.. Next year will be different"

In 4 months, you can expect

  • A boost in your health, energy, and hormones (bye bye symptoms, till never!)

  • Being able to manage time & responsibilities effortlessly, and prioritize your well-being with everything you do

  • Feeling confident and aligned with yourself. You’re capable of making choices that serve you

  • Clarity on your dreams & goals, pursuing your passions with focus, whether landing your dream job, starting a side business, or building the company you've always envisioned.

  • A strong network of inspiring women that you can tap into for support, fun times, or collaborations

Client Love.

The waiting list for Q3 is open!

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Share your doubts with me during the chemistry call (that you can book here) or write me a message, so together we can explore your needs and figure out what suits you best. I’ll be honest if this program isn’t a fit for you. Additionally, I offer a 14 days money-back guarantee after you sign, where you can cancel the contract without reason.

  • A boost in your health, energy, and hormones (bye symptoms, till never!)

    Being able to manage time & responsibilities effortlessly, and prioritize your well-being with everything you do

    Feeling confident and aligned with yourself. You’re capable of making choices that serve you

    Clarity on your dreams & goals, pursuing your passions with focus, whether landing your dream job, starting a side business, or building the company you've always envisioned.

    A network of inspiring women that you can tap into for support, fun times, or collaborations

  • Yes absolutely. You can decide if pay at once, or in 4 or six installments. When you pay in installments, service costs are added.

    One payment: 2222
    4 installments: 600
    6 installments: 400

    The first invoice is sent before the start

  • Group event sessions are held on Zoom.

    1:1 Coaching is done remotely on Zoom or in person in Berlin, depending on your needs and availability.